I am trying to break down a given number into 10 equal parts and then compare a row of numbers and see in which of the 10 parts they fall under.
ref_number, number_to_check 70, 34 70, 44 70, 14 70, 24
In the above data set, I would like to break 70 into 10 equal parts (in this case it would be 7,14,21, and so on till 70). Next I would like to see in which “part” does the value in column “number_to_check” fall into.
Output expected:
ref_number, number_to_check, part 70, 34, 5 70, 44, 7 70, 14, 2 70, 24, 4
You want arithmetic. If I understand correctly:
select ceiling(number_to_check * 10.0 / ref_number)
Here is a db<>fiddle (the fiddle happens to use Postgres).