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Recursive SQL query (parent-child) to include total downline records per record

I have a table that has a parent – child structure.

I managed to bring this structure sorted by creating a field called “Path” with the first name of the agent, so this query:

  WITH cte(PLID, sponsorid, firstname, lastname, Status, LEVEL, path) AS (SELECT
                            PLID, sponsorid, firstname, lastname, Status, 0 AS LEVEL, CAST(firstname AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS path
                            FROM TEST  WHERE PLID =1  UNION ALL
                            SELECT c.PLID, c.sponsorid, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.Status, cte. LEVEL + 1 AS LEVEL,
                            CAST((cte.path + '/' + c.firstname) AS VARCHAR(1000)) 
                            AS path FROM TEST c INNER JOIN cte ON c.sponsorid = cte.plid)
                            SELECT PLID, sponsorid, firstname, lastname, Status, LEVEL, path
                            FROM cte ORDER BY path ASC

…returns this, the treeview data:

| PLID | SPONSORID | FIRSTNAME | LASTNAME | STATUS | LEVEL |                PATH                 |
|    1 |         0 | Danielle  | Lipsin   |      1 |     0 | Danielle                            |
|    4 |         1 | Alissa    | Doe      |      1 |     1 | Danielle/Alissa                     |
|    2 |         1 | Charles   | Doe      |      1 |     1 | Danielle/Charles                    |
|    6 |         2 | Mark      | Doe      |      1 |     2 | Danielle/Charles/Mark               |
|    5 |         2 | Martin    | Doe      |      1 |     2 | Danielle/Charles/Martin             |
|    8 |         5 | Katy      | Perry    |      1 |     3 | Danielle/Charles/Martin/Katy        |
|    7 |         5 | Leo       | Messi    |      1 |     3 | Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo         |
|    9 |         7 | Alex      | Doe      |      1 |     4 | Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo/Alex    |
|   10 |         7 | Laureen   | Doe      |      1 |     4 | Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo/Laureen |
|    3 |         1 | Michelle  | Doe      |      1 |     1 | Danielle/Michelle                   |

I tried to do a nested select but it didn’t work. What is the best approach to include the total number of children on each record?

Expected Results:

| PLID | SPONSORID | FIRSTNAME | LASTNAME | STATUS | LEVEL |                PATH                 | TotalDownline |
|    1 |         0 | Danielle  | Lipsin   |      1 |     0 | Danielle                            |             9 |
|    4 |         1 | Alissa    | Doe      |      1 |     1 | Danielle/Alissa                     |             0 |
|    2 |         1 | Charles   | Doe      |      1 |     1 | Danielle/Charles                    |             7 |
|    6 |         2 | Mark      | Doe      |      1 |     2 | Danielle/Charles/Mark               |             0 |
|    5 |         2 | Martin    | Doe      |      1 |     2 | Danielle/Charles/Martin             |             4 |
|    8 |         5 | Katy      | Perry    |      1 |     3 | Danielle/Charles/Martin/Katy        |             0 |
|    7 |         5 | Leo       | Messi    |      1 |     3 | Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo         |             2 |
|    9 |         7 | Alex      | Doe      |      1 |     4 | Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo/Alex    |             0 |
|   10 |         7 | Laureen   | Doe      |      1 |     4 | Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo/Laureen |             0 |
|    3 |         1 | Michelle  | Doe      |      1 |     1 | Danielle/Michelle                   |             0 |


    PLID int,
    sponsorid int,
    firstname nvarchar(50),
    lastname nvarchar(50),
    status int
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (1,0,'Danielle', 'Lipsin', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (2,1,'Charles', 'Doe', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (3,1,'Michelle', 'Doe', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (4,1,'Alissa', 'Doe', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (5,2,'Martin', 'Doe', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (6,2,'Mark', 'Doe', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (7,5,'Leo', 'Messi', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (8,5,'Katy', 'Perry', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (9,7,'Alex', 'Doe', 1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (10,7,'Laureen', 'Doe', 1);



OK, one possible way you could do it, not at all sure its the best way though.

  1. Create a new column pathid based on the same principle as your existing path (name), but being unique per person.
  2. Count how many times that id shows up in pathid other than ours by using a sub-query against the CTE.
WITH cte1 (PLID, sponsorid, firstname, lastname, [Status], [LEVEL], [path], pathid) AS (
    SELECT PLID, sponsorid, firstname, lastname, [Status], 0 AS [LEVEL]
      , CAST(firstname AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS [path]
      , CAST('/' + CAST(PLID AS varchar(38)) AS varchar(max)) AS pathid
    WHERE PLID = 1--94
    SELECT c.PLID, c.sponsorid, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.[Status], cte1.[LEVEL] + 1 AS [LEVEL]
      , CAST((cte1.[path] + '/' + c.firstname) AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS [path]
      , CAST(cte1.pathid + '/' + cast(c.PLID AS varchar(38)) AS varchar(max)) AS pathid
    FROM #TEST c
    INNER JOIN cte1 ON c.sponsorid = cte1.plid
SELECT PLID, sponsorid, firstname, lastname, [Status], [LEVEL], [path], pathid
    , (select count(*) from cte1 B where B.pathid + '/' like '%/' + cast(A.PLID AS varchar(38)) + '/%' and B.PLID <> A.PLID)
FROM cte1 A
ORDER BY [path] ASC;

Returns for your sample data:

PLID sponsorid firstname lastname Status LEVEL path pathid Total Downline
1 0 Danielle Lipsin 1 0 Danielle /1 9
4 1 Alissa Doe 1 1 Danielle/Alissa /1/4 0
2 1 Charles Doe 1 1 Danielle/Charles /1/2 6
6 2 Mark Doe 1 2 Danielle/Charles/Mark /1/2/6 0
5 2 Martin Doe 1 2 Danielle/Charles/Martin /1/2/5 4
8 5 Katy Perry 1 3 Danielle/Charles/Martin/Katy /1/2/5/8 0
7 5 Leo Messi 1 3 Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo /1/2/5/7 2
9 7 Alex Doe 1 4 Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo/Alex /1/2/5/7/9 0
10 7 Laureen Doe 1 4 Danielle/Charles/Martin/Leo/Laureen /1/2/5/7/10 0
3 1 Michelle Doe 1 1 Danielle/Michelle /1/3 0
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