CREATE TABLE manager ( mgrid INT PRIMARY KEY, fname VARCHAR2(50), city VARCHAR2(50) );
The above is the manager table.
& Below is the code I wrote to get records.
DECLARE TYPE mgr_info IS RECORD ( mgrid manager.mgrid%TYPE, fname manager.fname%TYPE, city ); mgr mgr_info; id manager.mgrid%TYPE; name manager.fname%TYPE; mcity; BEGIN SELECT mgrid, fname, city INTO mgr FROM manager WHERE city = 'Mumbai'; id := mgr.mgrid; name := mgr.fname; mcity :=; dbms_output.put_line('Manager ID = ' || id || ' || Manager Name = ' || name || ' || City = ' || mcity); EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN dbms_output.put_line('No Matching Record Found'); WHEN too_many_rows THEN dbms_output.put_line('More than one matching Record Found'); END; /
The issue is I am not able to get proper input even though I have a row that is a manager who lives in Mumbai City.
What is I am not doing that I am not able to get proper output.
Below are the inputs for the table:
insert into manager values(101,'mohan','jaipur'); insert into manager values(102,'sohan','surat'); insert into manager values(103,'rohan', 'delhi'); insert into manager values(104,'jagmohan','mumbai');
The table has Mumbai
, the select uses mumbai
. The case is different. @Littlefoot was right to ask for the INSERT
statements, we couldn’t have helped without them.
If you want the SELECT
to work, you need to fold both table and query to the same case:
WHERE lower(city) = lower('Mumbai')