Below is the original table that I want to rank according to the column changes by Install_Status and Dates for each product.
;WITH CTE AS ( SELECT Product, Install_Status, Date_Inserted, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Product ORDER BY rank) rank FROM (SELECT Product, Install_Status, Date_Inserted, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Product, Date_Inserted) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Product, Install_Status ORDER BY Product, Date_Inserted ASC) AS rank FROM [dbo].[Product_table]) t ) SELECT * FROM CTE ORDER BY Product, Date_Inserted;
This SQL query returns the following results:
However, I am not getting appropriate ranking for product A by date. My expected result is as below:
You seem to want to count the changes. For this use lag()
and a cumulative sum:
select t.*, sum(case when prev_install_status = install_status then 0 else 1 end) over (partition by product order by date_inserted) as rank from (select t.*, lag(install_status) over (partition by product order by date_inserted) as prev_install_status from t ) t;