I have a table that records vehicle locations and I wish to query this to get the first and the last record for each vehicle for each day in a date range. The table looks like:
Registration Latitude Longitude dateOfRecord A1 XBO 123.066 1.456 2019-08-01 00:04:19.000 A1 XBO 128.066 1.436 2019-08-01 22:04:19.000 A1 XBO 118.066 1.456 2019-08-01 23:45:00.000
There are multiple vehicles with three weeks worth of data being held in the table 100,000 records this is written to an archive every night which leaves a 21 days of records which I wish to query. With my sample I would like to get:
Reg Day StartTime StartLat StartLong EndTime EndLat EndLong A2 XBO 01-08-19 00:04 123.066 1.456 23:45 118.066 1.456
I have an existing query that gets the most recent records but this can’t be used for my requirements as it uses the MAX(ID) within the query and I don’t believe that you can mix both MAX and MIN in the same query. I could use this as the basis of a table in a stored procedure and then loop through the records and query each to get the first record in the date range but this would be a very resource greedy process! I have included this purely to show what I already have:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT m.Registration, m.Location, m.dateoffix, m.Latitude, m.Longitude, MAX(m.ID) AS ID FROM dbo.GPSPositions AS m INNER JOIN (SELECT Registration AS vr, MAX(CONVERT(datetime, dateoffix, 103)) AS tdate FROM dbo.GPSPositions GROUP BY Registration) AS s ON m.Registration = s.vr AND CONVERT(datetime, m.dateoffix, 103) = s.tdate GROUP BY m.Registration, m.Location, m.dateoffix, m.Latitude, m.Longitude ORDER BY m.Registration
You can mix Max and Min in the same query.
with firstLast (Registration, firstRec, lastRec) as ( select [Registration], min([dateOfRecord]) as firstRec, max(dateOfRecord) as lastRec from GPSPositions group by [Registration], cast(dateOfRecord as Date) ) select fl.Registration as Reg, Cast(gpsF.dateOfRecord as Date) as [Day], Cast(gpsF.dateOfRecord as Time) as [StartTime], gpsF.Latitude as StartLat, gpsF.Longitude as StartLon, Cast(gpsL.dateOfRecord as Time) as [EndTime], gpsL.Latitude as EndLat, gpsL.Longitude as EndLon from firstLast fl inner join GPSPositions gpsF on gpsF.Registration = fl.Registration and gpsF.dateOfRecord = fl.firstRec inner join GPSPositions gpsL on gpsL.Registration = fl.Registration and gpsL.dateOfRecord = fl.lastRec;
Here is DBFiddle demo.
EDIT: If there could be entries for the same registration at the same time (ID is unique and increasing – ordered by dateOfRecord):
with firstLast (registration,firstRec, lastRec) as ( select registration,min(id) as firstRec, max(id) as lastRec from GPSPositions group by [Registration], cast(dateOfRecord as Date) ) select fl.Registration as Reg, Cast(gpsF.dateOfRecord as Date) as [Day], Cast(gpsF.dateOfRecord as Time) as [StartTime], gpsF.Latitude as StartLat, gpsF.Longitude as StartLon, Cast(gpsL.dateOfRecord as Time) as [EndTime], gpsL.Latitude as EndLat, gpsL.Longitude as EndLon from firstLast fl inner join GPSPositions gpsF on gpsF.Id = fl.firstRec inner join GPSPositions gpsL on gpsL.ID = fl.lastRec;