I need help on query where I can do the range query based on Name Column from names.
e.g., as shown in sample data
starting from ‘A% to ‘C%’
from ‘a% to ‘c%’
and then from ‘D%’ to ‘F%’
and from ‘d%’ and ‘f%’
I need to split Name Column in 2 separate category which is from A to C and from D to F including all names with upper & lower case.
I tried with >=, <= and between, but it didn’t help.
You can use regex to achieve that. Try below query
select Name,(case when name like '[A-Na-n]%' then 'Category A-N' when name like '[O-Zo-z]%' then 'Category O-Z' end)Category from names where name like '[A-Za-z]%'