These are the given tables:
create table products (productID int not null auto_increment, Name varchar(30), Price float , CoffeOrigin varchar(30), primary key (productID)); create table customers (customerID int not null auto_increment, First_Name varchar(30), Last_Name varchar(30), Gender varchar(2) not null CHECK (Gender IN ('M', 'F')), ContactNumber bigint, primary key (customerID)); create table orders (orderID int not null auto_increment, productID int, customerID int, Date_Time datetime, primary key(orderID), foreign key(customerID) references customers(customerID), foreign key(productID) references products(productID));
Question is:
Write a optimized query to find out the name of all the customerIDs who ordered coffee that originated from ‘Costa Rica’ or ‘Indonesia’.
My attempt:
select customers.customerID, first_name, last_name from customers where customerID in (select customerID from orders where productid in (select productid from products where coffeorigin = "costa rica" or "indonesia"));
My teacher says it can be optimized more but I don’t see any way. Please Help me out.
Rather than these nested in
subqueries, I would recommend exists
and a correlated subquery with a join
select c.customerID, c.first_name, c.last_name from customers c where exists ( select 1 from orders o inner join products p on p.productID = o.productID where p.coffeorigin in ('costa rica', 'indonesia') and o.customerID = c.customerID );