I have this data;
date owner p.code product
---- ----- ----- ------
21.08.2020 Micheal 5 apple
22.08.2020 Micheal 5 apple
15.08.2020 George 4 biscuit
14.08.2020 George 4 biscuit
10.08.2020 Micheal 4 biscuit
23.08.2020 Alice 2 pear
15.08.2020 Alice 2 pear
14.08.2020 Micheal 2 pear
11.08.2020 Micheal 2 pear
I want to group them trought to product and show last date and last owner.
like this ;
date owner p.code product
---- ----- ------ ------
22.08.2020 Micheal 5 apple
15.08.2020 George 4 biscuit
23.08.2020 Alice 2 pear
In Oracle, you can phrase this using group by
select product, code,
max(date) as max_date,
max(owner) keep (dense_rank first order by date desc) as owner_at_max_date
from t
group by product, code;
The keep
syntax is Oracle’s rather verbose way of implementing a first()
aggregation function.