I’m trying to count the post count of each tag, then orderBy by the post count. But there was a problem when counting the number of posts: tags with no posts were not displayed. I want if any tag has no post, it will still be printed. What should I do.
$query = DB::table('tags');
$query -> join('users', 'users.id', '=', 'tags.user_creative_id' );
$query -> join('tag_post', 'tag_post.tag_id', '=', 'tags.id' )
DB::raw('(SELECT count(*) FROM tag_post WHERE tags.id = tag_post.tag_id ) as count_posts')
you can use LeftJoin to show all rows from left table that doing join:
$query = DB::table('tags');
$query -> join('users', 'users.id', '=', 'tags.user_creative_id' );
$query -> leftJoin('tag_post', 'tag_post.tag_id', '=', 'tags.id' )
DB::raw('(SELECT count(*) FROM tag_post WHERE tags.id = tag_post.tag_id ) as count_posts')