Due to Oracle’s 1000 “IN” clause limit, one workaround is to use list tuples. I am attempting this in Python but cant seem to bind the list tuple correctly.
My code:
mylist = [(1, item1), (1, item2), (1, item3) ... (1, item1500)] format_strings = ','.join(':%d' % i for i in range(len(mylist))) query = ''' select x, y, z from table where (1, column_name) IN (%s) '''%format_strings with myconnection as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, mylist) result = cursor.fetchall() ...
This gives me error: cx_Oracle.NotSupportedError: Python value of type tuple not supported.
Whats the possible workaround for this error? Thanks
Your python is generating the following query string…
select x, y, z from table where (1, column_name) IN (:0,:1,:2,...,:n)
Then you’re trying to supply a list of tuples as the parameters.
Perhaps instead generate this string, and supply a simple list for the parameters…
select x, y, z from table where (1, column_name) IN ((1,:0),(1,:1),(1,:2),...,(1,:n))
For example…
mylist = [item1, item2, item3, ..., item1500] format_strings = ','.join('(1,:%d)' % i for i in range(len(mylist))) query = ''' select x, y, z from table where (1, column_name) IN (%s) '''%format_strings with myconnection as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, mylist) result = cursor.fetchall() ...