I was trying to create a table on SQL Developer, and I had the error called “Missing left parenthesis”, which I think it can be almost anything.
The code is this, and the 3 tables take the same error:
CREATE TABLE cliente (dni VARCHAR2(10), CONSTRAINT dni_pk PRIMARY KEY, nombre_cli VARCHAR2 (50), CONSTRAINT nombre_cli_nn NOT NULL, apellidos VARCHAR2 (50), direccion VARCHAR2 (50), f_nac DATE); CREATE TABLE producto (cod_prod NUMBER (10), CONSTRAINT cod_prod_pk PRIMARY KEY, nom_prod VARCHAR2 (50), CONSTRAINT nom_prod_nn NOT NULL, precio VARCHAR2 (50)); CREATE TABLE compra (dni_cli NUMBER (10), cod_prod NUMBER (10), CONSTRAINT cod_prod_pk PRIMARY KEY, cantidad NUMBER (10), CONSTRAINT pelicula_codigo_prod_fg FOREIGN KEY(cod_prod) REFERENCES producto(cod_prod), CONSTRAINT pelicula_codigo_cli_fg FOREIGN KEY(cod_cli) REFERENCES cliente(dni_cli));
I have tried a lot of things and none has worked. It is probably something silly, so I would be grateful for any help.
Update: The issues were that the primary key constraint expects you to specify the columnname. I.e. `PRIMARY KEY (column_name). You also used the wrong column names in the Foreign Key constraint declaration. Lastly, there was a difference in column types between the key columns in the 2 initial tables and the referencing table, and you reused the same name for the cod_prod_pk constraint.
CREATE TABLE cliente ( dni VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, nombre_cli VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL, apellidos VARCHAR2(50), direccion VARCHAR2(50), f_nac DATE, CONSTRAINT dni_pk PRIMARY KEY (dni) ); CREATE TABLE producto (cod_prod NUMBER (10) NOT NULL, nom_prod VARCHAR2 (50), precio VARCHAR2 (50) , CONSTRAINT cod_prod_pk PRIMARY KEY (cod_prod)); CREATE TABLE compra ( dni_cli VARCHAR2(50), cod_prod NUMBER(10) NOT NULL, cantidad NUMBER (10), CONSTRAINT cod_prod_pk2 PRIMARY KEY(cod_prod), CONSTRAINT pelicula_codigo_prod_fg FOREIGN KEY (cod_prod) REFERENCES producto(cod_prod), CONSTRAINT pelicula_codigo_cli_fg FOREIGN KEY (dni_cli) REFERENCES cliente(dni));