I am having issues with a join and I was hoping to get some help. I have one table (table A) that is structured like so:
Fruit | SKU |
Apple | 001 |
Apple | X01 |
Apple | B01 |
Banana | 002 |
Banana | X02 |
Banana | B01 |
Orange | 003 |
Orange | B03 |
For each fruit, there is a SKU that corresponds to the numbering system used in a year. There are 100s of fruits.
There is another table (Table 2) that looks like this:
SKU_2018 | SKU_2017 | SKU_2016 |
001 | X01 | B01 |
002 | X02 | X03 |
There are different SKU formats for each year between 1990 – 2020. There are no overlapping SKUs, all values are unique. However, I want to map all SKUs to one common year (2018):
What I would like is a table (Table 3) that looks like:
Fruit | SKU | SKU_2018 |
Apple | 001 | 001 |
Apple | X01 | 001 |
Apple | B01 | 001 |
Banana | 002 | 002 |
Banana | X02 | 002 |
Banana | B01 | 002 |
Orange | 003 | 003 |
Orange | B03 | 003 |
My code looks like:
select a.fruit, a.sku, b.sku2018
from tableA a
left join tableB b on a.sku = coalesce(b.sku_2018, b.sku_2017, b.sku_2016, so and so for each year)
however, these are returning some NULLs even when there are SKUs that match. I cannot figure out why! I hope that is clear enough. Thanks.
First of all, this is a bad data model. You should store all SKUs in one column and have Fruit as primary key for Table2
. You should also have another column year
to denote when the SKU
was assigned.
Here’s what you can try:
SELECT a.fruit,
coalesce(b.sku_2018, c.sku_2017, d.sku_2016) as sku_2018
FROM tab1 a
left join tab2 b
ON a.sku = b.sku_2018
left join tab2 c
ON a.sku = c.sku_2017
left join tab2 d
ON a.sku = d.sku_2016;