I’m trying to find the percent change using row number with PostgreSQL but I’m running into an error where my “percent_change” column shows 0.
Here is what I have as my code.
WITH CTE AS ( SELECT date, sales, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER by date) AS rn FROM sales_2019) SELECT c1.date, c1.sales, CAST(COALESCE (((c1.sales - c2.sales) * 1.0 / c2.sales) * 100, 0) AS INT) AS percent_change FROM CTE AS c1 LEFT JOIN CTE AS c2 ON c1.date = c2.date AND c1.rn = c2.rn + 1
Here is my SQL table in case it’s needed. Thank you in advance, I greatly appreciate it.
You can use LAG() for your requirement:
select date, sales, round(coalesce((((sales-(lag(sales) over (order by date)))*1.0)/(lag(sales) over (order by date)))*100,0),2) from sales_2019
or you can try with WITH
with cte as ( select date, sales, coalesce(lag(sales) over (order by date),0) as previous_month from sales_2019 ) select date, sales, round( coalesce( (sales-previous_month)*1.0/nullif(previous_month,0),0 )*100,2) from cte
EDIT as per requirement in comment
with cte as ( select date_, sales, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER by date_) AS rn1, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER by date_)-1 AS rn2 from sales_2019 ) select t1.date_, t1.sales, round( coalesce( (t1.sales-t2.sales)*1.0/nullif(t2.sales,0),0 )*100,2) from cte t1 left join cte t2 on t1.rn2=t2.rn1