Is there a tool or method to analyze Postgres, and determine what missing indexes should be created, and which unused indexes should be removed? I have a little experience doing this with the “profiler” tool for SQLServer, but I’m not aware of a similar tool included with Postgres.
I like this to find missing indexes:
SELECT relname AS TableName, to_char(seq_scan, '999,999,999,999') AS TotalSeqScan, to_char(idx_scan, '999,999,999,999') AS TotalIndexScan, to_char(n_live_tup, '999,999,999,999') AS TableRows, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(relname :: regclass)) AS TableSize FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND 50 * seq_scan > idx_scan -- more than 2% AND n_live_tup > 10000 AND pg_relation_size(relname :: regclass) > 5000000 ORDER BY relname ASC;
This checks if there are more sequence scans than index scans. If the table is small, it gets ignored, since Postgres seems to prefer sequence scans for them.
Above query does reveal missing indexes.
The next step would be to detect missing combined indexes. I guess this is not easy, but doable. Maybe analyzing the slow queries … I heard pg_stat_statements could help…