The client can opt-in or opt-out for subscription from time to time. I need the latest Status of every client with the subscription date.
If the client has opted-in at the first instance and never opted-out again, I need the first date when they opted-in. However, if the same client has opted-out after opting-in and then opted-in again, I need to know the date corresponding to the latest opt-in. (FIRST YES or FIRST YES after NO).
Can anyone guide how to query this in Postgresql.
For example, for Client C
Try this query:
WITH CTE1 AS ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ClientID ORDER BY SubscriptionDate DESC) as Rn FROM Table_name WHERE SubscriptionStatus = 'Y' ) SELECT ClientID, Source, SubscriptionStatus, SubscriptionDate FROM CTE1 WHERE Rn = 1;