Table def:
CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS lazy_product_stock_id_seq; CREATE TABLE "public"."lazy_product_stock" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lazy_product_stock_id_seq'::regclass), "product_id" int4, "hold" int4 DEFAULT 0, "quantity" int4 DEFAULT 0, "warehouse_id" int4, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lazy_product_stock_pkey ON public.lazy_product_stock USING btree (id) CREATE INDEX lazy_product_stock_product_id_idx ON public.lazy_product_stock USING btree (product_id) CREATE INDEX lazy_product_stock_warehouse_id_idx ON public.lazy_product_stock USING btree (warehouse_id) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "lazy_product_stock_comb_idx2" ON "public"."lazy_product_stock" USING BTREE ("product_id","warehouse_id");
I have a function that inserts new rows into the database:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_lazystock_i_f(_product_id int4, site_id int4) RETURNS VOID AS $$ declare warehouse record; BEGIN FOR warehouse IN select id from warehouse where siteid = site_id LOOP insert into lazy_product_stock (product_id, warehouse_id) VALUES (_product_id, ON CONFLICT (product_id,warehouse_id) DO NOTHING; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
It fails with
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "lazy_product_stock_comb_idx2"
the index
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "lazy_product_stock_comb_idx2" ON "public"."lazy_product_stock" USING BTREE ("product_id","warehouse_id");
Although running the relevant insert on its own with duplicate values it has no problem with it.
insert into lazy_product_stock (product_id, warehouse_id) VALUES (123, 1234) ON CONFLICT (product_id,warehouse_id) DO NOTHING; Query 1 OK: INSERT 0 0, 0 rows affected
I can’t understand what seems to be the the difference between the function and the single statement?
This also works without a problem:
do $$ declare warehouse record; begin FOR warehouse IN select id from warehouse where siteid = 123 LOOP insert into lazy_product_stock (product_id, warehouse_id) VALUES (12345, ON CONFLICT (product_id,warehouse_id) DO NOTHING; END LOOP; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
same error with
insert into lazy_product_stock (product_id, warehouse_id) select _product_id, from warehouse where siteid = site_id on conflict (product_id, warehouse_id) do nothing;
I am using Postgresql 12.3
Seems like I had 2 such functions trigerring on the same logic which caused the problem. Thank you all for help.