I want to call my function but I get this error:
ERROR: column reference “list” is ambiguous LINE 3: SET list = ARRAY_APPEND(list, input_list2),
the error is on the second list inside array_append function.
My function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_order(input_id uuid,input_sku text,input_store_id uuid,input_order_date bigint,input_asin text,input_amount int,input_list text[],input_price real,input_list2 text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
#variable_conflict use_column
INSERT INTO orders_summary(id,sku,store_id,order_date,asin,amount,list,price)
VALUES(input_id,input_sku,input_store_id,to_timestamp(input_order_date / 1000.0),input_asin,input_amount,input_list,input_price) ON CONFLICT(sku,order_date) DO UPDATE
SET list = ARRAY_APPEND(list, input_list2),
amount = amount + input_amount,
price = input_price
WHERE NOT list @> input_list;
You have to use the alias name in the insert query because list
has two references, one reference in EXCLUDED.list
and another reference to the column for an update statement.
Please check the below query (I append the alias with name os
in query):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_order(input_id uuid,input_sku text,input_store_id uuid,input_order_date bigint,input_asin text,input_amount int,input_list text[],input_price real,input_list2 text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
#variable_conflict use_column
INSERT INTO orders_summary as os (id,sku,store_id,order_date,asin,amount,list,price)
VALUES(input_id,input_sku,input_store_id,to_timestamp(input_order_date / 1000.0),input_asin,input_amount,input_list,input_price) ON CONFLICT(sku,order_date) DO UPDATE
SET list = ARRAY_APPEND(os.list, input_list2),
amount = os.amount + input_amount,
price = input_price
WHERE NOT os.list @> input_list;
Or you can use table name:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_order(input_id uuid,input_sku text,input_store_id uuid,input_order_date bigint,input_asin text,input_amount int,input_list text[],input_price real,input_list2 text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
#variable_conflict use_column
INSERT INTO orders_summary (id,sku,store_id,order_date,asin,amount,list,price)
VALUES(input_id,input_sku,input_store_id,to_timestamp(input_order_date / 1000.0),input_asin,input_amount,input_list,input_price) ON CONFLICT(sku,order_date) DO UPDATE
SET list = ARRAY_APPEND(orders_summary.list, input_list2),
amount = orders_summary.amount + input_amount,
price = input_price
WHERE NOT orders_summary.list @> input_list;