So I’m asked to do this query for a college project:
SELECT AS name, AVG((pr.ap_price::double precision * 7 - pr.weekly::double precision) /((pr.ap_price::double precision))*100) AS savings_percentage FROM locations AS l, price AS pr, apartments AS ap, hosts AS h WHERE pr.id_apt = ap.id_apartment AND l.id_apt = ap.id_apartment AND h.host_id = ap.id_host AND h.host_identity_verified = 't' GROUP BY ORDER BY savings_percentage DESC LIMIT 3;
Where pr.ap_price and pr.ap_weekly are both saved as strings (VARCHAR(255)), and I’ve tried to cast them as other types wether using CAST(pr.ap_price AS double precision)
or using the option found in the code above.
It always ends up showing the same error wether I cast it to numeric or double precision:
ERROR: la sintaxis de entrada no es válida para tipo double precision: «1,100.00» SQL state: 22P02
(In Spanish but basically says ERROR: the entrance syntaxis isn’t valid for type double precision)
How can I cast it correctly? My objective is to turn it from string to numbers to be able to compare them.
I have also tried using:
ALTER TABLE apartments_importacio ALTER COLUMN price TYPE double precision USING (price::double precision);
but the same error shows. (Where apartments_importacio is the table where I copy the .csv file to later insert into the other tables)
Any clues? Thanks in advance!
I’m going to say it is because of this:
select ''::double precision; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "" LINE 1: select ''::double precision; select '10'::double precision; float8 -------- 10 (1 row)
The reason being an empty string is not a valid number.
One solution is to do:
select nullif(trim(' '), '')::double precision; nullif -------- NULL (1 row) --- So for your case: nullif(trim(pr.ap_price), '')::double precision
Otherwise you will need to go through an clean up the empty strings in those columns and change them to 0 or NULL. Long term I would say making those field float8 or better yet numeric is the better solution. Then you deal with the issue on creating the record.
UPDATE. Dealing with number formatting:
select '1,100.00'::double precision; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "1,100.00" LINE 1: select '1,100.00'::double precision; ^ select '1100.00'::double precision; float8 -------- 1100 (1 row)
The solution to above is:
select to_number('1,100.00', '9999.99')::double precision; to_number ----------- 1100 (1 row)
For more information see
to_number(text, text) numeric convert string to numeric to_number('12,454.8-', '99G999D9S')``` See: Table 9.27 shows the template patterns available for formatting numeric values. For more information on your options for formatting.