I created a PostgreSQL (v10.0) table with a jsonb-array column as follows:
CREATE TABLE test (id INT, animals jsonb) INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, '["[monkeys, 10]", "[hamsters, 7]", "[foxes, 3]"]'), (2, '["[monkeys, 10]", "[hamsters, 7]", "[foxes, 3]"]')
Then I want add new animals to the first row as follows:
UPDATE test SET animals = animals || '["[hamsters, 7]", "[chicken, 2]"]'::jsonb WHERE id = 1;
However, I want to append only those elements that are not yet in the array. In this case only [chicken, 2]
probably simplest would be:
t=# with c as (select distinct e,min(o) over (partition by e) o from test, jsonb_array_elements(animals || '["[hamsters, 7]", "[chicken, 2]"]'::jsonb) with ordinality t(e,o) where id =1) , r as (select jsonb_agg(e order by o) z from c) t-# update test set animals = z from r where id = 1; UPDATE 1 t=# select * from test; id | animals ----+------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | ["[monkeys, 10]", "[hamsters, 7]", "[foxes, 3]"] 1 | ["[monkeys, 10]", "[hamsters, 7]", "[foxes, 3]", "[chicken, 2]"] (2 rows)