I have been awake for well beyond my schedule and I have been stuck with this issue for a long time, I don’t even know what I am looking for to solve, but I wish to use format to insert values that I’ll be using for column names, and then executing it… but it keeps giving me errors no matter how much I try changing it :c
Heres the part that im trying to do something that doesnt work, but i think you get the idea what im trying to achieve
ratelimit := EXECUTE format('(SELECT %I FROM users.ratelimits WHERE user_id = $2) ', $1);
and heres the full code for the brave
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION users.consume_ratelimit(_name text,__user_id integer) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE PARALLEL UNSAFE COST 100 AS $BODY$DECLARE ratelimit INTEGER; reset_timeout timestamptz; premium BOOLEAN; BEGIN ratelimit := EXECUTE format('(SELECT %I FROM users.ratelimits WHERE user_id = $2) ', $1); reset_timeout := EXECUTE format('(SELECT %I_refresh FROM users.ratelimits WHERE user_id = $2) ', $1); premium := (SELECT users.is_premium($2)); IF premium THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSIF reset_timeout <= NOW() THEN UPDATE users.ratelimits SET image_refresh = NOW() + '1 hour'::interval, image = DEFAULT WHERE user_id = $2; RAISE NOTICE 'reset'; RETURN TRUE; ELSE IF ratelimit > 0 THEN EXECUTE format('UPDATE users.ratelimits SET %I = %I - 1 WHERE user_id = $2', $1, $1); RAISE NOTICE 'decrement'; RETURN TRUE; ELSIF ratelimit <= 0 THEN RAISE NOTICE 'out of credits'; RETURN FALSE; ELSE EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO users.ratelimits(user_id) VALUES ($2) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET %I = excluded.%I, %I_refresh = excluded.%I_refresh', $1, $1, $1, $1); RAISE NOTICE 'create'; RETURN TRUE; END IF; END IF; END;$BODY$;
As documented in the manual you need to use into
together with EXECUTE to store the result into a variable. This can handle multiple columns/variables as well, so you only need a single EXECUTE to get both values.
For clarity you should reference parameters by name, not by position.
EXECUTE format('SELECT %I, %I_refresh FROM users.ratelimits WHERE user_id = $1'), _name, _name) USING __user_id INTO ratelimit, reset_timeout;
Note the $1
inside the string for format()
is a parameter placeholder used when the SQL statement is executed, and will be replaced with the value of the variable specified in the USING
Variable assignment is also more efficient without a SELECT:
premium := users.is_premium(__user_id);