We have multiple schemas, I would like to run a simple count query across schemas such as:
SELECT COUNT(col_x) FROM schema1.table WHENRE col_x IS NOT NULL
I saw that I’m able to get all the schemas with:
SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata
So by using:
set search_path to schema1; SELECT COUNT(col_x) FROM table WHERE col_x is not NULL;
I was able to run the query for schema1
The question is – is it possible to run in a loop and use the schema name as a parameter for search_path and run the query across all schemas? or any other efficient way to do so?
You will need some plpgsql
and dynamic SQL for this. Here is an anonymous block for illustration:
do language plpgsql $$ declare v_schema_name text; table_row_count bigint; sysSchema text[] := array['pg_toast','pg_temp_1','pg_toast_temp_1','pg_catalog','public','information_schema']; -- other declarations here begin for v_schema_name in SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE (schema_name != ALL(sysSchema)) loop begin execute format('select count(col_x) from %I.t_table', v_schema_name) into table_row_count; raise notice 'Schema % count %', v_schema_name, table_row_count; exception when others then null; -- t_table may not exists in some schemata end -- other statements here end loop; end; $$;
And btw WHERE col_x is not NULL
is redundant.