Ive got a query which will return me the count of distinct ‘artists’ on a playlist, but id like to further filter this by unique weeks using the created_at timestamp column
my current query is:
select count(track), track,
date_part('year', created_at::date) as year,
date_part('week', created_at::date) as week
from public."Playlist"
group by track,year, week;
which returns me the distinct tracks and count of distinct tracks and the week created_at was in. Im having trouble constructing the query to now filter this further by unique weeks.
My aim is to end up with a list of tracks and count of the distinct WEEKS that they were released in
My aim is to end up with a list of tracks and count of the distinct WEEKS that they were released in.
I think you want:
count(distinct date_trunc('week', created_at)) no_distinct_weeks
from public."Playlist"
group by track