We have tables name with Date fields, Like table_name_yyyy_mm_dd. Wanted to analyze tables older than two days using procedure and come up with below proc. But Looks like select command with not like expression is not picking up the tables older than two days, instead its picking all tables. what am i doing wrong. Please suggest.
DO $$ DECLARE tab RECORD; schemaNa VARCHAR := 'test'; _now_date varchar := TO_CHAR((NOW()-2) :: DATE, 'yyyy_mm_dd') ; BEGIN for tab in (select relname AS table_name from pg_stat_user_tables where schemaname='test' and relname not like '%_now_date%' order by 1) LOOP RAISE NOTICE 'ANALYZE %1.%2', schemaNa, tab.table_name; RAISE NOTICE '%',_now_date; EXECUTE 'ANALYZE '||schemaNa||'.'||tab.table_name; end loop; end $$;
Don’t enclose the variable name in single quotes. It’s also better to use format()
when generating dynamic SQL
DO $$ DECLARE tab RECORD; l_schema VARCHAR := 'test'; l_sql text; _now_date varchar := TO_CHAR(current_date - 2, 'yyyy_mm_dd'); BEGIN for tab in (select relname AS table_name from pg_stat_user_tables where schemaname = l_schema and relname not like '%'||_now_date||'%' order by 1) LOOP l_sql := format('ANALYZE %I.%I', l_schema, tab.table_name); RAISE NOTICE '%', l_sql; RAISE NOTICE '%',_now_date; EXECUTE l_sql; end loop; end $$;