I attempting to create a query to find the name other
in my sql database. I have a basic like search as follow and would like to use a full text search instead.
Like Query
SELECT g.*, COUNT(*) OVER() AS total FROM group AS g WHERE UPPER(g.name) LIKE UPPER('oth%')
Full Text Query
SELECT g.*, COUNT(*) OVER() AS total FROM group AS g WHERE to_tsvector(g.name) @@ to_tsquery('oth:*')
It appears that my full text returns 0 unlike my like search does. Why is this so when it appears that both queries appear to be doing similar searches
It looks like ‘other’ is in the default stop word list in english. I have tested with PostgreSQL 12 at Linux level:
$ grep other /usr/pgsql-12/share/tsearch_data/english.stop other
In the database:
postgres=# select to_tsvector('french','other'); to_tsvector ------------- 'other':1 (1 row) postgres=# select to_tsvector('english','other'); to_tsvector ------------- (1 row) postgres=# select to_tsvector('english','others'); to_tsvector ------------- 'other':1 (1 row) postgres=# select to_tsvector('english','another'); to_tsvector ------------- 'anoth':1 (1 row)
Try ‘another’.