I have a postgres function that uses a %ROWTYPE
declaration. When I execute this function I get a failure about returning more than one row "code":"P0003","message":"query returned more than one row"
I can successfully execute the query without the returning * into assignments;
statement. Which leads me to believe the assignments data.assignment%ROWTYPE;
is only for one row?
create or replace function assign(order_id int) returns json as $$ declare assignments data.assignment%ROWTYPE; begin insert into data.assignment (order_item_id, pharmacy_id) ( select oi.id as order_item_id, mci.pharmacy_id from api.order_items as oi inner join api.min_cost_inventory_items as mci on mci.drug_id = oi.drug_id where oi.order_id = $1 ) returning * into assignments; return json_build_object( 'assignments', assignments ); end $$ security definer language plpgsql; revoke all privileges on function assign(int) from public;
is not strictly necessary, but in any case it holds only one row. You could make an array of data.assignment[]
, but then you need to loop to fill it.
You can simplify the function as follows:
create or replace function assign(_order_id int) returns jsonb as $$ with i as ( insert into data.assignment (order_item_id, pharmacy_id) select oi.id as order_item_id, mci.pharmacy_id from api.order_items as oi inner join api.min_cost_inventory_items as mci on mci.drug_id = oi.drug_id where oi.order_id = _order_id returning * ) select jsonb_agg(to_jsonb(i)) from i; $$ security definer language sql;