People of Stack Overflow!
Thanks for taking the time to read this question. What I am trying to accomplish is to pivot some data all from just one table.
The original table has multiple datetime entries of specific events (e.g. when the customer was added add_time
and when the customer was lost lost_time
This is one part of two rows of the deals table:
id | add_time | last_mail_time | lost_time |
5 | 2020-03-24 09:29:24 | 2020-04-03 13:20:29 | NULL |
310 | 2020-03-24 09:29:24 | NULL | 2020-04-03 13:20:29 |
I want to create a view of this table. A view that has one row for each distinct date and counts the number of events at this specific time.
This is the goal (times do not match with the example!):
I have working code, like this:
SELECT DISTINCT change_datetime, (SELECT COUNT(add_time) as add_time_count FROM deals WHERE add_time::date = change_datetime), (SELECT COUNT(lost_time) as lost_time_count FROM deals WHERE lost_time::date = change_datetime) FROM ( SELECT add_time::date AS change_datetime FROM deals UNION ALL SELECT lost_time::date AS change_datetime FROM deals ) AS foo WHERE change_datetime IS NOT NULL ORDER BY change_datetime;
but this has some ugly O(n2) queries and takes a lot of time.
Is there a better, more performant way to achieve this?
You can use a lateral join to unpivot and then aggregate:
select t::date, count(*) filter (where which = 'add'), count(*) filter (where which = 'mail'), count(*) filter (where which = 'lost') from deals d cross join lateral (values (add_time, 'add'), (last_mail_time, 'mail'), (lost_time, 'lost') ) v(t, which) group by t::date;