I have this postgrse code:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS config_change_log ( id serial primary key, last_config_version varchar(255) NOT NULL, is_done Boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', change_description varchar(255), timestamp timestamp default current_timestamp ); INSERT INTO config_change_log(last_config_version, is_done, change_description ) VALUES("5837-2016-08-24_09-12-22", false, "{ 'key':'value'}");
and I get this error:
psql:createConfigChangeLog.sql:11: ERROR: column "5837-2016-08-24_09-12-22" does not exist LINE 2: VALUES("5837-2016-08-24_09-12-22", false, "{ 'key':'value'}"...
how can it be? it’s a value not a column.postgr
Use single quotes
for string constants
INSERT INTO config_change_log(last_config_version, is_done, change_description ) VALUES('5837-2016-08-24_09-12-22', false, '{ ''key'':''value''}');
Also you can escape single quotes
in data by doubling them