python code to make query from postgres table
query = "select species as `flower name` from iris"
connection = db_connect(connection_data)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(""" {} """.format(query))
File "/Users/soubhagyapradhan/Desktop/upwork/report/backend/api/utils/", line 34, in get_query_result
cursor.execute(""" {} """.format(query))
psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "`"
LINE 1: select species as `flowers` from iris
I wants to add space to alias name of column thats why i have written my code like this. Plese check how can i fix it.
Postgres follows the SQL standard and uses double quotes, not backticks, to escape database object names (such as column or table names). Use this version:
query = 'SELECT species AS "flower name" FROM iris'
connection = db_connect(connection_data)
cursor = connection.cursor()