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Pivot table with multiple aggregate value

I am trying to pivot below table, is that possible?

But if I aggregate them by Code, Value A or B will be gone because of it.


Name Code Value
Kevin Code1 A
Kevin Code1 B
Kevin Code2 C
Kevin Code3 D
Tom Code1 E
Tom Code2 F
Tom Code3 G


Name Code1 Code2 Code3
Kevin A C D
Kevin B C D
Tom E F G

Query I tried….

DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(max), @query AS NVARCHAR(max);

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(c.Code) 
FROM Table c
    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(max)'),1,1,'')

set @query = 'with mapping as 
                , ' + @cols + ' 
             from (select name
                       , Code
                       , Value
                    from Table) x
             for Name in (' + @cols + ')) p )' 


Tried myself but I can only achieve below

Name Code1 Code2 Code3
Kevin A or B(depend on aggregated max or min) C D
Tom E F G

Thanks in advance



This is a fixed column list version. You should build your dynamic one using this template.

select Name 
  , first_value(Code1) over(partition by Name order by rn) Code1
  , first_value(Code2) over(partition by Name order by rn) Code2
  , first_value(Code3) over(partition by Name order by rn) Code3
from (
   select t.* , row_number() over(partition by Name, Code order by Value) rn
   from tbl t
   ) t
pivot (max(value) for code in (Code1, Code2, Code3)) p
order by Name;
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