I have a following tables
id name
1 A
3 B
id label value
1 tag a
1 tag b
1 time 10
1 time 20
1 score 20
2 tag a
2 time 30
2 score 40
3 tag b
3 time 50
3 time 55
3 score 60
first I’d like to join table2 as follows
select *
from table1 left join on table2 using(id)
where label in ('tag')
id name tag
1 A a
1 A b
3 B b
and then join table2 with id
and pivot and sum up them
id name tag time score
1 A a 10 20
1 A b 10 20
3 B b 50 60
I guess it is very complicated, are there any way to achieve this?
In Redshift it seems that there is no way to pivot them.
This looks to be a pivot query. I think this does what you are looking for:
create table table1 (id int, name varchar(16));
insert into table1 values
(1, 'A'),
(3, 'B')
create table table2 (id int, label varchar(16), value varchar(16));
insert into table2 values
(1, 'tag', 'a'),
(1, 'tag', 'b'),
(1, 'time', '10'),
(1, 'score', '20'),
(2, 'tag', 'a'),
(2, 'time', '30'),
(2, 'score', '40'),
(3, 'tag', 'b'),
(3, 'time', '50'),
(3, 'score', '60')
select t2.id, a.name, a.tag_value, sum(decode(label, 'time', value::int)) as total_time, sum(decode(label, 'score', value::int)) as total_score
from table2 t2
join (
select id, name, value as tag_value
from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 using(id)
where t2.label in ('tag')
) a
on t2.id = a.id
group by 1, 2, 3
order by 1, 2, 3