I have problem with outputting results from the sys_refcursor returned from the function stored in the variable crs_scenarios. I then want to pass this collection of data to the output parameter pout_result. I get the error PLS-00487: Invalid reference to variable ‘POUT_RESULT’. Can you advise me please, how to solve this issue?
Thanks a lot!
declare pin_scenarioName scenarios.scen_name%TYPE := 'zz_berlin_testen'; pin_scenarioRegion inf_ausbaugebiete.ausg_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL; pin_scenarioCutOffDate scenarios.scen_cut_off_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL; pin_scenarioStatus scenario_status.scst_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL; pout_result SYS_REFCURSOR; pout_strerrorcode VARCHAR2(1000); pout_strerrormessage VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN pout_result := funk30.pbi$capi_export_pck.cfn_getscenarios(pin_scenarioName => pin_scenarioName, pin_scenarioRegion => pin_scenarioRegion, pin_scenarioCutOffDate => pin_scenarioCutOffDate, pin_scenarioStatus => pin_scenarioStatus, pout_strerrorcode => pout_strerrorcode, pout_strerrormessage => pout_strerrormessage); dbms_output.put_line(pout_result.ID || ' ' ||pout_result.NAME || ' ' ||pout_result.CUT_OFF || ' ' ||pout_result.STATUS || ' ' || pout_result.PRIORITY || ' ' ||pout_result.PARENT_SCENARIO|| ' ' ||pout_result.REGION|| ' ' || pout_result.REMARK); END cpr_getscenarios; Function: FUNCTION mfn_getscenarios(pin_scenarioName IN scenarios.scen_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, pin_scenarioRegion IN inf_ausbaugebiete.ausg_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, pin_scenarioCutOffDate IN scenarios.scen_cut_off_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, pin_scenarioStatus IN scenario_status.scst_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, pout_strerrorcode OUT VARCHAR2, pout_strerrormessage OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN SYS_REFCURSOR IS crs_scenarios SYS_REFCURSOR; n_cnt_exists NUMBER; ex_scennotexists EXCEPTION; strprocedurename VARCHAR2(128) := package_name || '.mfn_getScenarios'; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO n_cnt_exists FROM scenarios WHERE rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN RAISE ex_scennotexists; END; OPEN crs_scenarios FOR SELECT scen.scen_id id, scen.scen_name NAME, scen.scen_cut_off_date cut_off, scst.scst_name STATUS, scen.scen_priority PRIORITY, parent.scen_name PARENT_SCENARIO, ausg.ausg_name REGION, scen.scen_comment REMARK FROM scenarios scen, scenarios parent, scenario_status scst, inf_ausbaugebiete ausg WHERE scen.scen_scst_id = scst.scst_id AND scen.scen_parent_scen_id = parent.scen_id(+) AND scen.scen_ausg_id= ausg.ausg_id(+) AND lower(scen.scen_name) like nvl(lower('%'||pin_scenarioName||'%'), lower(scen.scen_name)) AND NVL(ausg.ausg_name, 'xxxxx') = nvl(pin_scenarioRegion, NVL(ausg.ausg_name, 'xxxxx')) AND scen.scen_cut_off_date = nvl(pin_scenarioCutOffDate, scen.scen_cut_off_date) AND scst.scst_name = nvl(pin_scenarioStatus, scst.scst_name); pout_strerrorcode := '0'; pout_strerrormessage := ''; RETURN crs_scenarios; EXCEPTION WHEN ex_scennotexists THEN pout_strerrorcode := 'API-00239'; pout_strerrormessage := rtrim(api_err_pck.apierrormsg('API-00239', strprocedurename), ' @'); RETURN NULL; WHEN OTHERS THEN pout_strerrorcode := '-1'; pout_strerrormessage := substr(SQLERRM, instr(SQLERRM, 'ORA') + 11, length(SQLERRM)); RETURN NULL; END mfn_getscenarios;
Sys_refcursor is only a SQL definition. If you want to run it, you have to FETCH data. So pout_result varible has no data itself.
——– function —–
create or replace FUNCTION mfn RETURN SYS_REFCURSOR IS crs_scenarios SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN crs_scenarios FOR SELECT dummy from dual; RETURN crs_scenarios; END ;
— execution
set serveroutput on declare pout_result SYS_REFCURSOR; type pout_result_tab is table of dual%rowtype; -- cursor datatype pout_result_t pout_result_tab; BEGIN pout_result := mfn; fetch pout_result bulk collect into pout_result_t; -- bulk collect because I assume you have recordset, not one record dbms_output.put_line(pout_result_t(1).dummy); END ; /
— Result
X PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.