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Recursively Conditionally get parent Id

I have two tables: Budget Line and Expense. They are structured in such a way that an expense must have either a parent record in the budget line table, or a parent record in the expense table. I need to select all child-most expenses for each budget line. For example – BudgetLine: Id Description 1 TEST123 2 OTHERTEST Expense: Id

Trying to update column values in SQL Server based on time of insertion and getting “The column “ID” was specificed multiple times for “p””

Here is my query that’s throwing the “The column “ID” was specified multiple times for “p””: I’ve seen quite a few questions with the same error on SO but can’t seem to see what to apply in this scenario. Any help is greatly appreciated. Answer Unfortunately there is a lot broken with your statement. The error you are getting is

Converting image files to VARBINARY(max) in flutter

I need to store images that are captured using “image picker” in a SQL server database now, I know that the images should be stored in a “VARBINARY” datatype. I tried to convert the XFile “image” that I got from the “ImagePicker()” to VARBINARY and these are the steps I made. and then I store the image in the database

Executing a StoredProcedure in Dotnetcore3.1

I created a Stored Procedure by Selecting values from 2 different tables. Now the problem I have is to execute and read the result data from my dotnetcore 3.1 code. I am not sure if the code I have written is correct. I am using IQueryable<AppUser> but, The SP contains a mix of AppUser and CourseMarks. So can I represent

constructing a message format from the fetchall result in python

*New to Programming Question: I need to use the below “Data” (two rows as arrays) queried from sql and use it to create the message structure below. data from sql using fetchall() ##expected message structure I tried to create below method to iterate over the rows and then input the values, this is was just a starting, but this was

Difference of values in the same column ms access sql (mdb)

I have a table which contains two column with values that are not unique, those values are generated automatically and I have no way to do anything about it, cannot edit the table, db nor make custom functions. With that in mind I’ve solved this problem in sql server, but it contains some functions that does not exist in ms-access.
