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Executing stored procedure takes too long

I am trying to update quantity on hand for all the inventory items that I have whenever I make a purchase or a sale. I have a stored procedure that does the job. It runs along fine, but when I have …

Show the posts which have specific tags or categories

I want to show the posts which have specific tags or categories as I mentioned in the title; for example, one of my posts has 3 tags “php”,”laravel”,”regex” I want to get those posts that have laravel tag in their many to many relationships. Answer First, make sure you have set the right relations on your models. then use Querying

SQL execute return of select

I have select select ‘alter table ‘ ‘ drop ‘’ go sp_bindefault ”abc” ,”’’.’”” from sys.objects as so join sys.columns as sc on so.object_id=sc….

Redshift UDF aggregate or window error

I have written the following function create function sevRun (text,text,int) returns int stable as $$ SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT case_id FROM dbname.tablename WHERE …

MySQL put a specific row at the top of the result

I’m doing a basic SQL select query which returns a set of results. I want a specific row which the entry “Fee” to be put at the top of the results, then the rest. Something like: Can anyone help? Answer You could try this :
