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SQL for storing numbers from cold to hot for specific range?

We have a table that looks list this: date, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 for a given row, val1 -val5 are unique and between 1 and 37 Using T-SQL, How can I list numbers 1 -37 by cold to hot with their frequency for a given date range? [![enter image description here][1]][1] Sample Output (NOT ACTUAL): Numbers by frequency descending:

SQL : Choose three stock tickers which have complete data between 2012 and 2017 in the Quandl Wiki data set

I have a custom_calendar table like this: [1] “custom calendar image” And I have a stocks market table ( v_eod_quotes_2012_2017 ) which looks like this: [2] “v_eod_quotes_2012_2017” As I mention in the question, I need to find out which three stock market symbols has complete data i.e data for every day in between 2012 and 2017. I have

Grouping a column in oracle

I have three columns within my table: Amount, OrderNumber, Customerid For each customerid there will be ordernumber and amount. Now i need to display customerid,Ordernumber and Amount(total Amount- …

SQL monthly rolling sum

I am trying to calculate monthly balances of bank accounts from the following postgresql table, containing transactions: # d transactions View “public.transactions” Column | …
