I have a string that is up to 10 characters long (EX: 2021-00445) when it’s first created in SQL.
I would like to pad it with a trailing dash(-) and three zeros (-000). I also want to have them incremented in the interval of 1, so if it has been incremented once, then the new value of the trailing zeros would be ‘-001’. Or if it has been incremented 23 times, the value is ‘-023’. (EX: 2021-00445-000).
How would this be implemented in Toad SQL?
You could create a sequence and use something like:
your_col := your_col||'-'||LPAD(your_seq.NEXTVAL,3,'0'); /* plsql style*/
UPDATE your_table
SET your_col = your_col||'-'||LPAD(your_seq.NEXTVAL,3,'0')
WHERE <your_conditions>;
however this is pretty generic since you haven’t mentioned when or on what condition the update will happen.