I will start by introducing my business logic.
I have an entity called Machines. To each Machine I will assign up to 50 Options. On this query I used PIVOT so I can retrieve only one line per machine, with all the options (Columns) with value 0 or 1.
Note: My Output structure is ready for 50 Options.
SQL Query – Goal 1: Retrieve which options each machine have activated. – DONE
SQL Query – Goal 2: Filter machines that have X and Y Option activated. –
My Entities Diagram:
My Query:
SELECT MachineID, MachineSN ,@StringIn
SELECT {Machine}.[Id] as MachineID,
{Options}.[Name] as OptionName,
{MachineOption}.[OptionActive] as IsActive,
{Machine}.[SNumber] as MachineSN
FROM {MachineOption}
INNER JOIN {Options} ON {Options}.[Id] = {MachineOption}.[OptionId]
INNER JOIN {Machine} ON {Machine}.[Id] = {MachineOption}.[MachineId]
GROUP BY {Options}.[Name], {MachineOption}.[OptionActive], {Machine}.[SNumber], {Machine}.[Id]
) R
Pivot (max(IsActive) for OptionName in (@StringIn)) as Columns Order By 1
Result of the actual query:
I need some help with this query. I already tried to filter in the inside query but I always get one only with only one option.
Thanks in advance.
You can search the table twice (one per option) and then join both searches. For example, you can do:
select distinct machineid
from machineoption x
join machineoption y on y.machineid = x.machineid and y.optionid = 'Y'
where x.optionid = 'X'