this is related to my previous scenario.
I have a dataset like this:
WITH failure_table AS (SELECT 'Andrea' AS name, 'Failure' AS status, '2022-04-28 4:00:00' AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'Karl', 'Failure', '2022-04-28 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-04-27 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Karl', 'Failure', '2022-04-27 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-04-26 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-04-25 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-03-30 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-03-29 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-03-28 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Karl', 'Failure', '2022-03-28 4:00:00') UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-03-15 4:00:00')
Aside from outputting the timestamp in which a user first committed a failure, and consecutively commits a failure status every day, leading up to today (2022-04-29), I also want to output the non-consecutive block of days in which Karl or Andrea commits a failure.
In this case, Andrea started failing recently at 2022-04-25 4:00:00 and commits 3 failure blocks (03-15, 03-28 to 03-30, 04-25 to 04-28) while Karl started failing recently at 2022-04-27 4:00:00 and commits 2 failure blocks (03-28, 04-27 to 04-28).
Final output should be
name | status | started recently failing timestamp | recent days failing | total days failing | total failure blocks |
Andrea | Failure | 2022-04-25 4:00:00 | 4 | 8 | 3 |
Karl | Failure | 2022-04-27 4:00:00 | 2 | 3 | 2 |
Thank you for those who can help, I really would appreciate it.
Take a look at below query although it’s not refined yet. Hoping help you find some clue to approach your problem.
is for figuring out each consecutive failing days.last_blocks
is for finding last failing block to identifystarted_recently_failing_timestamp
- Main query generates the expected output from previous CTEs.
WITH failure_table AS ( SELECT 'Andrea' AS name, 'Failure' AS status, TIMESTAMP '2022-04-28 4:00:00' AS dt UNION ALL SELECT 'Karl', 'Failure', '2022-04-28 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-04-27 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Karl', 'Failure', '2022-04-27 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-04-26 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-04-25 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-03-30 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-03-29 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-03-28 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Karl', 'Failure', '2022-03-28 4:00:00' UNION ALL SELECT 'Andrea', 'Failure', '2022-03-15 4:00:00' ), failure_blocks AS ( SELECT *, COUNTIF(diff <> 1) OVER (PARTITION BY name) AS total_failure_blocks, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY name) AS total_days_failing, SUM(diff - 1) OVER (PARTITION BY name ORDER BY dt) AS block, FROM ( SELECT name, status, dt, IFNULL(DATE_DIFF(dt, LAG(dt) OVER (PARTITION BY name ORDER BY dt), DAY), 0) AS diff FROM failure_table ) ), last_blocks AS ( SELECT * EXCEPT(diff, block), COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY name, block) AS recent_days_failing, FIRST_VALUE(dt) OVER (PARTITION BY name, block ORDER BY dt) AS block_start_dt FROM failure_blocks ) SELECT name, status, MAX(block_start_dt) OVER (PARTITION BY name) AS started_recently_failing_timestamp, recent_days_failing, total_days_failing, total_failure_blocks, FROM last_blocks WHERE TRUE QUALIFY dt = started_recently_failing_timestamp ;