I need to get total amount of transactions group by daily, weekly and monthly. What i’ve tried gave me the result I expected but not giving the date or week or month if there is no transactions on the particular period.
Daily SELECT to_char(tran_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/DD') FROM TRANSACTIONS WHERE TRAN_STATUS = 'SUCCESS' AND tran_timestamp >= TO_DATE('2019/07/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd') AND tran_timestamp <= TO_DATE('2019/09/30','yyyy/mm/dd') GROUP BY to_char(TRAN_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY/MM/DD') ORDER BY to_char(TRAN_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY/MM/DD'); Weekly SELECT to_char(tran_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/W') FROM TRANSACTIONS WHERE TRAN_STATUS= 'SUCCESS' AND tran_timestamp >= TO_DATE('2019/07/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd') AND tran_timestamp <= TO_DATE('2019/09/30','yyyy/mm/dd') GROUP BY to_char(TRAN_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY/MONTH/W') ORDER BY to_char(TRAN_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY/MONTH/W'); Monthly SELECT to_char(tran_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/MM') FROM TRANSACTIONS WHERE TRAN_STATUS = 'SUCCESS' AND tran_timestamp >= TO_DATE('2019/07/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd') AND tran_timestamp <= TO_DATE('2019/09/30','yyyy/mm/dd') GROUP BY to_char(TRAN_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY/MONTH/MM') ORDER BY to_char(TRAN_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYY/MONTH/MM');
For an example: Monthly result
Date Total amt 2019/09 100 2019/07 500
But i need the result like :
Date Total amt 2019/09 100 2019/08 0 2019/07 500
You need to generate all dates
between your start and end date and join it with the result of your query.
Following query will give daily total amount. You need to change group by
, order by
and select clause
if you want to get weekly and monthly result.
select all_dates.d as tran_timestamp, sum(your_query.amt) as total_amt from (select date '2019-07-01' + level - 1 as d from dual connect by level <= (date '2019-09-30' - date '2019-07-01' ) + 1) all_dates Left join (SELECT trunc(tran_timestamp) as tran_timestamp , amt FROM TRANSACTIONS WHERE TRAN_STATUS = 'SUCCESS' AND tran_timestamp >= TO_DATE('2019/07/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd') AND tran_timestamp <= TO_DATE('2019/09/30','yyyy/mm/dd')) your_query On (all_dates.d = tran_timestamp) Group by all_dates.d order by all_dates.d;