I would like to do a stored procedure that receive an input param and then
- if targeted table does not contains that value, a new row is created and then the id of the created row is returned
- if targeted table already contain input param, the id of the row is returned
For moment I only manage to insert new row only if input param is new:
--exemple of table with a primary id a column with value create table unique_number_table ( id NUMBER(12) not null, UNIQUE_NUMBER VARCHAR2(80) not null, constraint PK_ID primary key (ID) ); create sequence SEQ_NUMBER INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 2 MAXVALUE 999999999 MINVALUE 0; create or replace procedure insert_or_get_unique_number ( input_number in varchar ) is begin insert into unique_number_table (id, UNIQUE_NUMBER) select SEQ_NUMBER.NEXTVAL ,input_number from dual where not exists(select * from unique_number_table where UNIQUE_NUMBER =input_number); end insert_or_get_unique_number;
Do you know how to do this?
Seems to me like you want a stored function and not a procedure.
create or replace function insert_or_get_unique_number (input_number varchar2) return UNIQUE_NUMBER_TABLE.ID%type is L_NUM UNIQUE_NUMBER_TABLE.ID%type; begin select ID into L_NUM from UNIQUE_NUMBER_TABLE where UNIQUE_NUMBER = input_number; return L_NUM; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then insert into unique_number_table (id, UNIQUE_NUMBER) values (SEQ_NUMBER.NEXTVAL, input_number) returning ID into L_NUM; return L_NUM; end insert_or_get_unique_number;