I’m writing a stored procedure that will receive a code and return one or more VARCHAR2 values. The number of values will vary according to the code the procedure receives.
I don’t know if this is the best approach (needless to say I’m a beginner), but I created a user-defined type and a table to store these values.
create or replace type t_desc as varray(15) of varchar2(15); create table all_values(code int, list t_desc); insert into all_values values (0, t_desc('a','b','c','d')); insert into all_values values (1, t_desc('a','b'));
Then, I wrote the procedure as follows:
create or replace procedure teste(v_code int, v_list out t_list) is begin select list into v_list from all_values where code = v_code; end;
This is where I’m stuck. How should this procedure be executed to return the values I’ve stored in the list column?
you have to declare a variable and pass it in you proc.
declare t t_desc ; i int; begin teste(i, t); end;
to see the results you can itarate through your varray:
FOR x IN 1..t.COUNT LOOP dbms_output.put_line(t(x)); END LOOP;