I’m comparing two tables that share unique values between each other using NOT IN
function in Oracle
but I’m getting
select count(distinct CHARGING_ID) from BILLINGDB201908 where CDR_TYPE='GPRSO'
the output is: 521254
for all charging ids –< this is the total unique charging ID’s in BILLINGDB201908
Now I want to find id’s in table BILLINGDB201908 that also exist in table CBS_CHRG_ID_AUG
select count(distinct CHARGING_ID) from BILLINGDB201908 where CDR_TYPE='GPRSO' AND charging_id IN (select CHARGINGID from CBS_CHRG_ID_AUG);
— the result back315567
charging ID exist BILLINGDB201908 and also exist in CBS_CHRG_ID_AUG
Now I want to find charging ids that not exist in CBS_CHRG_ID_AUG but exist BILLINGDB201908
select count(distinct CHARGING_ID) from prmdb.CDR_TAPIN_201908@prmdb where CDR_TYPE='GPRSO' AND charging_id NOT IN (select CHARGINGID from CBS_CHRG_ID_AUG);
–the result back 0
!? I should get 205687
exactly because 521254-315567
= 205687 ?
The missing record is having null value CHARGINGID.
Please try doing select where CHARGINGID is null vs is not null