I am trying to build a package that will take in a table of table names and either drop from or delete those tables. I am using dynamic sql, and dropping or deleting the tables works, but I need both the procedures to loop through all of the table names passed back to it.
I’ve tried mulitple ways – including trying to create a FOR Loop and a cursor. Here is a similar function I wrote in PostgreSQL that works but I’m having trouble translating it to Oracle.
Here is my function in PostgreSQL that works:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drop_tables_for_stnd_mod_build(tablenames text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE tab_name RECORD; BEGIN FOR tab_name IN EXECUTE 'SELECT table_name FROM ' || tablenames LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE ' || tab_name.table_name || ' CASCADE'; END LOOP; END; $function$ ;
And the procedure I’m writing as part of a package in Oracle
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY stnd_build_table_cleanup AS PROCEDURE drop_tables(table_in CLOB) IS TYPE cur_type is REF CURSOR; c cur_type; query_string VARCHAR(300); loop_string VARCHAR(300); table_name VARCHAR(100); BEGIN loop_string := 'SELECT tablenames FROM :table'; OPEN c FOR loop_string USING table_in; LOOP FETCH c INTO table_name; query_string := 'DROP TABLE ' || table_name || ' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; -- dbms_output.PUT_LINE (query_string); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE query_string; EXIT WHEN c%NOTFOUND; END LOOP ; CLOSE c; END drop_tables;
Here is the error I get when I try to call my function: Error report –
ORA-00903: invalid table name
ORA-06512: at line 2
00903. 00000 – “invalid table name”
Here’s one possibility. Note that I coded this as a standalone procedure for simplicity.
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE table_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(128); CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE drop_tables(tables_to_drop_in table_type) IS BEGIN FOR i IN tables_to_drop_in.FIRST .. tables_to_drop_in.LAST LOOP --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(tables_to_drop_in(i)); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE ' || tables_to_drop_in(i) || ' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; END LOOP; END drop_tables; DECLARE tables_to_drop table_type; BEGIN tables_to_drop := table_type('TBL1','TBL2', 'TBL3'); drop_tables(tables_to_drop); END;