I’m trying to create an excel-like pivot table with 3 columns of information, order tpye, product code, and the income generated from that order.
I’ve managed to get the generated income for every order from the same product, ordered by the order tpye.
select ORDER_TYPE, PRODUCT_CODE, sum(INCOME) from Logistics group by ORDER_TYPE, PRODUCT_CODE order by ORDER_TYPE;
A fragment from the output query:
ORDER_TYPE, PRODUCT_CODE, sum(INCOME): EB ZOL 432919 EB ITA 24832674 EB ELM 2095035 EB FRI 1464608 EB ESZ 0 EB GON 1707758 EB PVE 23130 EK FRI 10560880 EK ITA 30207062 EK PVE 1625576 EK ESZ 0 EK ZOL 1467432 EK GON 11208618 EK ELM 14159542 ER PVE -12449 ER ITA -3808222 ER ELM -236587 ER ZOL -17394 ER GON -16758710 ER FRI -102844 ER ESZ -104169 ER 33142 ES ZOL 13883 ES FRI -12860 ES ELM -107442 ES SZO -46800 ES PVE 0 ES GON 0 ES ITA -61427 E1 ELM 29195518
As you can see I have now a couple of rows for every order type because of the differenct products.
How can I modify this query to get a pivot table which has the columns for every order type and the rows for the product codes, so I only have one column for the order types instead of rows?
For example:
EB EK ES ER ZOL income datas ITA for every ELM cell FRI ESZ GON PVE FRI
You tagged Oracle18c so this should work for your version. I tested this on 11g.
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT product_code, order_type, income FROM Logistics ) PIVOT ( sum(income) for order_type IN ('EB' AS EB, 'ER' AS ER, 'ES' AS ES, 'EK' AS EK) );
This does require the set for the IN list to be filled in prior to execution. There is another syntax that allows a sub select but it returns XML. If you try to replace PIVOT XML with PIVOT it gives an error.
WITH orderTypes AS ( select 'EB' as order_type from dual union all select 'ER' as order_type from dual union all select 'ES' as order_type from dual union all select 'EK' as order_type from dual union all select 'AA' as order_type from dual union all select 'AB' as order_type from dual union all select 'AC' as order_type from dual union all select 'AD' as order_type from dual union all select 'AE' as order_type from dual ) SELECT * FROM ( SELECT l.product_code, l.order_type, l.income FROM Logistics l ) PIVOT XML ( sum(income) AS orderSum for order_type IN ( select order_type from orderTypes) );