I am trying to construct a trigger that will update Table B with Max value end_date column when the corresponding end_date of table A is updated.
This is so I can calculated and save the date difference between a date that I have saved prior to this, and the max end date that I want constantly updated from Table A.
So far compound trigger seems like a valid solution given that my row trigger does not fully cover all the use cases, however, I got the error stated in the title.
Full error:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol “)” when expecting one of the following: current delete exists prior
I have tried to find out any syntax error that I might have overlooked, but so far I can’t manage to progress.
The database version seemed to be correct as well, as I am using oracle 11g which should support compound triggers.
This is the aforementioned SQL:
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER DATE_DIFF_CALC_A FOR UPDATE OR INSERT OF END_ON ON TABLE_A COMPOUND TRIGGER TYPE temp_record IS RECORD ( COUNTER NUMBER, B_ID TABLE_B.id%TYPE, U_ID TABLE_B.U_ID%TYPE, U_TYPE TABLE_B.U_TYPE%TYPE, U_VOL_NO TABLE_B.U_VOL_NO%TYPE, MAX_DATE TABLE_B.MAX_DATE%TYPE, ); TYPE temp_table IS TABLE OF temp_record INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; row_record temp_table; AFTER EACH ROW IS COUNTER NUMBER; MAX_DATE DATE; B_ID NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*), MAX_DATE, ID INTO COUNTER, MAX_DATE, B_ID FROM TABLE_B WHERE U_ID = :NEW.U_ID AND U_TYPE = :NEW.TYPE AND U_VOL_NO = :NEW.U_VOL_NO GROUP BY ID, MAX_DATE; -- Tool I am using for query tells me there is an error in this line, but there's nothing here :( row_record(row_record.COUNT + 1).COUNTER := COUNTER; row_record(row_record.COUNT).MAX_DATE := MAX_DATE; row_record(row_record.COUNT).B_ID := B_ID; row_record(row_record.COUNT).U_ID := :NEW.U_ID; row_record(row_record.COUNT).U_TYPE := :NEW.TYPE; row_record(row_record.COUNT).U_VOL_NO := :NEW.U_VOL_NO; END AFTER EACH ROW; AFTER STATEMENT IS new_max_enddate TABLE_B.MAX_DATE%TYPE; BEGIN FOR indx IN 1 .. row_record.COUNT LOOP SELECT MAX(a.end_on) INTO new_max_enddate from TABLE_A a, TABLE_C C where a.c_id = c.id and UPPER(c.place_name) not like 'XTEST%' and a.status not in ('1', '2', '3', '4') and a.U_ID = row_record(indx).U_ID and a.TYPE = row_record(indx).U_TYPE and a.U_VOL_NO = row_record(indx).U_VOL_NO; IF row_record(indx).COUNTER = 1 THEN IF new_max_enddate > row_record(indx).MAX_DATE THEN UPDATE TABLE_B SET MAX_DATE = new_max_enddate WHERE U_ID = :NEW.U_ID AND U_TYPE = :NEW.TYPE AND U_VOL_NO = :NEW.U_VOL_NO; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END AFTER STATEMENT; END DATE_DIFF_CALC_A;
I commented on the line of code that the tool I am using tells me the error is at, if it helps at all.
Do forgive me if this problem is suppose to be easy to solve; I am still not that familiar with PL/SQL and would love to learn more.
Please remove the comma after TABLE_B.MAX_DATE%TYPE