T_Acc_Details is a table for storing the account number details of a person with the given fields.
create table T_Acc_Details(
acc_no number(5) primary key,
acc_holder_name varchar2(50),
acc_type varchar2(5) check (acc_type in ('SB', 'CA', 'FD')),
opening_date date,
balance_amt number(10,2)
I have also inputted values into the field like the following:
insert into T_Acc_Details values(10000, 'A', 'SB', to_date('23/11/2019', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 1000.2);
Secondly, I created the Transaction details table in which the values are to be inserted on the basis of it being deposit or withdrawal. The table query is as follows:
create table T_Tran_Details(
tran_no number(5) primary key not null,
acc_no number(5),
tran_type varchar2(5) check (tran_type in ('w', 'd')),
transaction_date date,
amount number(10,2),
foreign key(acc_no) references T_Acc_Details(acc_no)
Furthur, this is my procedure. Here, I have taken acc_no, amount, tran_type as paramters and taken current balance from balance amount and tran_no as variables. I am trying to write the logic for deposit portion. Also, autogenerating value for tran_no.
create or replace procedure pr_updateBal(
p_acc_no T_Acc_Details.Acc_No%type,
p_amount T_Tran_Details.Amount%type,
p_tran_type T_Tran_Details.Tran_Type%type
) is
p_curr_bal T_Acc_Details.Balance_Amt%type;
p_tran_no T_Tran_Details.Tran_No%type;
select max(nvl(tran_no,0)+1) into p_tran_no from T_Tran_Details;
select T_Acc_Details.Balance_Amt into p_curr_bal from T_Acc_Details where T_Acc_Details.Acc_No = p_acc_no;
if(p_tran_type = 'd') then
p_curr_bal := p_curr_bal + p_amount;
insert into T_Tran_Details(tran_no, acc_no, tran_type, transaction_date, amount)
values (p_tran_no, p_acc_no, p_tran_type, to_date(sysdate,'DD/MM/YY'), p_amount);
update T_Acc_Details
set T_Acc_Details.Balance_Amt = p_curr_bal;
dbms_output.put_line('Amount deposited!');
end if;
end pr_updateBal;
As soon as I try to test the code and run, the insert into T_Tran_Details(.. gives rise to this error. How are the values even null? I have taken tran_no as primary key.
I have found your problem, so this line:
select max(nvl(tran_no,0)+1) into p_tran_no from T_Tran_Details;
generates a null value bcs your table is empty, when u simply write:
Select max(nvl(tran_no,0)+1) max from T_Tran_Details;
u get a null value in the max column.
To generate new tran_no try using a sequence or like this:
for i in (select max(tran_no) max from T_Tran_Details) loop
if i.max is null then p_tran_no:=0;
else p_tran_no:=i.max +1;
end if;
end loop;
So your whole code would look like this:
create or replace procedure pr_updateBal(
p_acc_no T_Acc_Details.Acc_No%type,
p_amount T_Tran_Details.Amount%type,
p_tran_type T_Tran_Details.Tran_Type%type
p_curr_bal T_Acc_Details.Balance_Amt%type;
p_tran_no T_Tran_Details.Tran_No%type;
for i in (select max(tran_no) max from T_Tran_Details) loop
if i.max is null then p_tran_no:=0;
else p_tran_no:=i.max+1;
end if;
end loop;
select T_Acc_Details.Balance_Amt into p_curr_bal from T_Acc_Details
where T_Acc_Details.Acc_No = p_acc_no;
if(p_tran_type = 'd') then
p_curr_bal := p_curr_bal + p_amount;
insert into T_Tran_Details(tran_no, acc_no, tran_type, transaction_date, amount)
values (p_tran_no, p_acc_no, p_tran_type, to_date(sysdate,'DD/MM/YY'), p_amount);
update T_Acc_Details
set T_Acc_Details.Balance_Amt = p_curr_bal;
dbms_output.put_line('Amount deposited!');
end if;
end pr_updateBal;