I have a table col
where i have:
select * from offc.col;
I returned some data using query by year wise ans dept_id wise:
SELECT dept_id, year, Max(marks) marks FROM offc.col GROUP BY dept_id, year ORDER BY dept_id, year
The data I got was:
Here there is no problem as my sql is running right.So, I needed to extract all the information of col
table,So I used subquery as:
SELECT * FROM offc.col WHERE ( dept_id, year, marks ) IN (SELECT dept_id, year, Max(marks) marks FROM offc.col GROUP BY dept_id, year ORDER BY dept_id, year);
But,I got error as:
ORA-00920: invalid relational operator
i searched this error at other pages also,but I found them as bracket misplace error.But in my case,I dont know what is happening here?
Instead of aggregating, you can filter with a correlated subquery:
select c.* from offc.col c where marks = ( select max(marks) from offc.col c1 where c1.dept_id = c.dept_id and c1.year = c.year ) order by dept_id, year
An index on (dept_id, year, marks)
would speed up this query.
Another option is to use window function row_number()
select * from ( select c.*, row_number() over(partition by dept_id, year order by marks desc) rn from offc.col c ) x where rn = 1 order by dept_id, year
If you do want to stick to aggregation, then you can join your subquery with the original table as follows:
select c.* from offc.col c inner join ( select dept_id, year, max(marks) marks from offc.col group by dept_id, year ) m on m.dpt_id = c.dept_id and m.year = c.year and m.marks = m.marks