i have this query for calculate success total in each district. this query works but its take until 2min to output data, i have 15k rows in orders.
SELECT nsf.id, nsf.province, nsf.city, nsf.district, nsf.shipping_fee, IFNULL((SELECT COUNT(orders.id) FROM orders JOIN users ON orders.customer_id = users.id JOIN addresses ON addresses.user_id = users.id JOIN subdistricts ON subdistricts.id = addresses.subdistrict_id WHERE orders.status_tracking IN ("Completed","Successful Delivery") AND subdistricts.ninja_fee_id = nsf.id AND orders.transfer_to = "cod"),0) as success_total from ninja_shipping_fees nsf GROUP BY nsf.id ORDER BY nsf.province;
the output should be like this
can you help me to improve the peformance? Thanks
Try performing the grouping/calculation in a joined “derived table” instead of a “correlated subquery”
SELECT nsf.id , nsf.province , nsf.city , nsf.district , nsf.shipping_fee , COALESCE( g.order_count, 0 ) AS success_total FROM ninja_shipping_fees nsf LEFT JOIN ( SELECT subdistricts.ninja_fee_id , COUNT( orders.id ) AS order_count FROM orders JOIN users ON orders.customer_id = users.id JOIN addresses ON addresses.user_id = users.id JOIN subdistricts ON subdistricts.id = addresses.subdistrict_id WHERE orders.status_tracking IN ('Completed', 'Successful Delivery') AND orders.transfer_to = 'cod' GROUP BY subdistricts.ninja_fee_id ) AS g ON g.ninja_fee_id = nsf.id ORDER BY nsf.province;
“Correlated subqueries” are often a source of poor performance.
Other notes, I prefer to use COALESCE() because it is ANSI standard and available in most SQL implementations now. Single quotes are more typically used to denote strings literals.