I have a PL/SQL procedure. It executes a SQL statement and returns a json responce.
I would like to limit the rows returned using the offset clause. eg:
select * from wherever where something = parameter offset 0 rows fetch next 25 rows only;
However I don’t seem able to use variables to replace the 0 and the 25 in the example above.
Of course there are ways to work around this. I can write code like we had to before the offset clause appeared in 11g. But it looks ugly and possibly won’t perform as well….am I missing something. Can a parameter be used in the offset clause of SQL in a proc or cursor?
For example the following proc does compile but the cursor returned is always empty (its not when I hard code in values):
procedure test (pPageSize in pls_integer:=25, pPageno in pls_integer:=1, RecipeList out sys_refcursor) is vNextRows pls_integer; vOffset pls_integer; begin vOffset:= pPageSize*(pPageno-1); vNextRows:= pPageSize; open RecipeList for select * from recipes order by recipeno offset vOffset rows fetch next vNextRows rows only; end test;
Like this:
declare start_row integer := 0; fetch_rows integer := 5; begin dbms_output.put_line ( 'First ' || fetch_rows ); for t in ( select * from all_tables offset start_row rows fetch first fetch_rows rows only ) loop dbms_output.put_line ( t.table_name ); end loop; start_row := 5; dbms_output.put_line ( 'Next ' || fetch_rows ); for t in ( select * from all_tables offset start_row rows fetch first fetch_rows rows only ) loop dbms_output.put_line ( t.table_name ); end loop; end; /