Ok I have tried everything I can think of, I couldn’t make it. I am creating some inputs like this:
for($l = 1; $l <= 6; $l++){
echo '<div class="col-sm-auto" style="text-align:center;">
<input class="divtop" name="qt'.$l.$count.'" type="number" value="'.${'quantity'.$l}.'" style="width:85px; text-align:center;" />
<h4 style="margin-top:10px;">PRICE '.$l.'</h4>
<input class="divtop" name="price'.$l.$count.'" step="0.01" type="number" value="'.${'prize'.$l}.'" style="width:55px; text-align:center;" />
And then when I get the $_POST I am checking if the input is 0 or “” and setting it to NULL.
for($z = 1; $z <= 6; $z++){
${'qty'.$z} = $_POST["qty".$z.$i];
${'price'.$z} = $_POST["timi".$z.$i];
if( ${'timi'.$z} == 0 || ${'timi'.$z} == ""){ ${'timi'.$z} = NULL; }
if( ${'qty'.$z} == 0 || ${'qty'.$z} == ""){ ${'qty'.$z} = NULL; }
And I am adding to the DB with this
$priceupdate = $conn ->query("UPDATE table SET qty1 = '$qty1', qty2 = '$qty2', qty3 = '$qty3', qty4 = '$qty4', qty5 = '$qty5', qty6 = '$qty6' WHERE id = '$id'");
But when the query runs, qty6 (for example) that is 0 or “” doesn’t insert as NULL in the DB but as 0, the table field is int (though it doesn’t really matter). Any ideas how to fix this? I am kinda stuck!
I have tried (qty6 = $var) the query just stops there.
The structure does allow NULL as the default value is in fact NULL.
If I try ${‘qty’.$z} = ‘NULL’ ; this makes NULL a string so it wouldn’t help as the field value type for price is Float and for qty is Integer
Ok I figured it out, instead of using
$priceupdate = $conn ->query("UPDATE table SET qty1 = '$qty1', qty2 = '$qty2', qty3 = '$qty3', qty4 = '$qty4', qty5 = '$qty5', qty6 = '$qty6' WHERE id = '$id'");
if($priceupdate ->execute()){ do something }
I used with prepare like this
$priceupdate = $conn ->query("UPDATE table SET qty1 = ?, qty2 = ?, qty3 = ?, qty4 = ?, qty5 = ?, qty6 = ? WHERE id = ?");
$a = $priceupdate->execute(array($qty1, $qty2, , $id));
And it seems to be working, this way NULL doesn’t become a string for sure.