Here is the code:
create type emp_high_sal_ot is object ( full_name varchar2(64), phone_number varchar(20), salary number(10,2) ); create type emp_high_sal_nt is table of emp_high_sal_ot;
and the following function doesn’t compile:
create or replace function get_highest_paid_emps return emp_high_sal_nt AS rec emp_high_sal_nt; avg_sal NUMBER; begin SELECT AVG(salary) INTO avg_sal FROM employees; SELECT last_name || ' ' || first_name, phone_number, salary INTO rec FROM employees WHERE salary > avg_sal; return rec; end;
It says:
PL/SQL: ORA-00947: not enough values
Why is that?
Why is that?
You are trying to put 3 values (and multiple rows) into a single variable.
and wrap the values in the object type:
create or replace function get_highest_paid_emps return emp_high_sal_nt AS rec emp_high_sal_nt; avg_sal NUMBER; begin SELECT AVG(salary) INTO avg_sal FROM employees; SELECT emp_high_sal_ot( last_name || ' ' || first_name, phone_number, salary ) BULK COLLECT INTO rec FROM employees WHERE salary > avg_sal; return rec; end; /
Given the sample data:
CREATE TABLE employees (first_name, last_name, phone_number, salary) AS SELECT 'Alice', 'Abbot', '0123456', 100000 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'Betty', 'Baron', '1111111', 250000 FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'Carol', 'Chris', '9876543', 300000 FROM DUAL;
SELECT * FROM TABLE(get_highest_paid_emps());
FULL_NAME PHONE_NUMBER SALARY Baron Betty 1111111 250000 Chris Carol 9876543 300000
db<>fiddle here